SUBWAY®Restaurants w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneSUBWAY®Restaurants



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5419, North I H 35, 78723, Austin, Travis County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 512-467-9536
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.3133898, Longitude: -97.7058867

komentarze 5

  • Rick Garza

    Rick Garza


    Very convenient very fast sandwich making lot of food for a little value would definitely recommend this place my only disappointment was they were out of tuna fish which didn't make any sense I did go ahead and eat the chicken sandwich in place but the management needs to get it together on their orders especially if they selling that much tuna in this particular location

  • chris dos santos

    chris dos santos


    sad that this is one of the few healthiest choices i have around my job to have only one person working at this location she works hard and is super polite the other few employees ive seen look like gangsters however they threat you really good but they need more stuff and fountain machine is continuosly broken

  • en

    Rozina Panjwani


    Awful customer service, sales person didn't knew to wrap the sandwhich, not listening to instructions, least interested in helping and serving, no common courtesy.

  • John Kennerson Jr

    John Kennerson Jr


    My financé and i had stop in this location because its closer and convenient to where we live...and guys here where great and very patient...great job guys👍👍👍time of visit is 3:49pm

  • Mr Freeze

    Mr Freeze


    Employees here are lousy, with one exception. Brittany (I think that was her name). I walked in at 11:57AM and walked out at 12:30PM......didn't even buy anything. There were two people on shift, only Brittany actually working and diligently attempting to help, while the other looked like he couldn't care less about what was going on in the store. He lazily cut a sandwich for one guest, not taking care to even wipe his knife and getting a clean cut. He obliterated the next sandwich when he popped it in the toaster and then ignored the alarm when it went off. I can understand being a bit frazzled when there is a line of people standing directly in front of you waiting for your services, but at least show a sense of urgency and ACCURACY when performing the service. The Front seemed overall clean but I wasn't paying attention to that. I was more concerned with this line progression. The male on duty didn't seem to care about placing things back in their proper slot, he tossed several items across the little dais where they keep all the sandwich items. Cross contamination is clearly something he's never heard of. At one point he simply gave up on cutting a sandwich and just ripped it open. And it still took him about ten minutes just to make a six inch tuna sandwich. Overall, I will not be returning, and I will further recommend no one from my business go here. I cannot stress enough how displeased I am with the service, quality, and general lack of effort on display at this Subway. Do not go here. It will just anger you and waste your time. This was 5/19/2017

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