SUBWAY®Restaurants w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneSUBWAY®Restaurants



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4111, Boulder Highway, 89121, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-641-9800
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1335278, Longitude: -115.0847788

komentarze 5

  • Ivan Meno

    Ivan Meno


    Super clean, but service was slow.

  • en

    Christina Schaeffer


    Half of the workers just throw the stuff on your sandwich in a sloppy mess. The other half are great workers. Depending on who's at the counter decides whether or not I eat here.

  • en

    Jay Stark


    I really don't agree with most of your review's the young man who waited on me 8/16/2017 at approx 4:50 PM was great, poor guy was there by himself he was very busy but he moved the line and didnt lose his cool. He was also very respectful of the custoners. This Subway is in a casino can get very busy at any given moment, I was happy with service received, only one disappoint could have had more tables or counters to eat at.

  • Maria Garcia

    Maria Garcia


    Overall terrible experience. No kind of customer service. The girl that helped me was rude and got an attitude when I asked her to change her gloves. she had grabbed the marker to write on a sandwich and proceeded to touch my sub..... definitely won't be coming back. Makes me wonder if their employees know people food handling. They had no spinach prepped, the line looked dirty and not stocked. Simply unorganized and Unsanitary. Completely unsatisfied. Really disappointing.

  • ashmuck LILLY

    ashmuck LILLY


    THE WORST! I ordered 6 subs online and only 2 were done halfway good. One sub literally only had bacon on it!! one was drowned in sauce and one barely had anything on it! they didn't have any of the drinks they offered online and they didn't have anything ready when I went to pick it up! DO NOT GO HERE!

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