Subway w Baytown

Stany ZjednoczoneSubway



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3600, Garth Road, 77521, Baytown, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 281-420-1930
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7615205, Longitude: -94.9771497

komentarze 5

  • Douglas Wright

    Douglas Wright


    POOR online app support. Will not be doing business with them at all! Until the $30.68 is credited to the same account charged! DO NOT RECOMMEND!

  • Deyanira Flores

    Deyanira Flores


    Second time I went and the last time I ask for toasted not almost burn they just make the bread get hard and really stingy w the vegetables miserable 😒 the price is to high for a bad sandwich almost 20 dlrs for 2 foot longs nothing else..I work for subway long time ago and the way the made it now is terrible

  • Eden Vela

    Eden Vela


    Do not go to this subway i experienced something horrible this female dropped the Mat that gos inside the toaster on the floor and picked it right back up and did not even wash it there service is wack I walked in and I was asked how many sandwiches are you gonna order I told them just two of them and right away the employees caught a n attitude and got very bothered. If you don’t like your job just quit it’s that easy !

  • john smith

    john smith


    I gave this location a try and will not be back not only did my order get screwed up i paid for upgrades i didnt receive and the owner Ricky Swanso contacted me via email to tell me they do training blah blah blah , but didn't offer to remake my meal correct or refund my order. So basically i paid extras and didn't receive what i paid for . Thats stealing. Peperoni on wrong sandwich plus the new mottza sandwich did t have the thick mozzarella on it , it was on the other sandwich and the picture on the left suppose to be pro sandwich mozza whatever with added pepperoni double meat .

  • Chula Bonita

    Chula Bonita


    I ordered online and my sons food was made nasty had chicken that was hard and cold and the bacon was cold. I didn’t want it toasted but the chicken should have been heated up with the bacon . It was to cold to eat and the way it was prepped very unacceptable . He trashed his food and was a waste of my money

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