Subway i Memphis

Forenede StaterSubway



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1785, Nonconnah Boulevard, 38132, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 901-348-0785
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.0709472, Longitude: -90.0037522

kommentar 5

  • Dennis Ruby

    Dennis Ruby


    Best and friendliest subway in town

  • Tellie Jones

    Tellie Jones


    The staff was nice. It was lunch and there was a rush. The bread was fresh only white and wheat..It was clean. I ate in. It was worth the wait. I order the meatball sub with spinach, provolone, and black olives. The portions were sizable.

  • en

    Donald Coleman


    I recently bought a sandwich at Subway on 1785 Nonconnah Blvd Set 115. The girl working there made my 12' steak and cheese sandwich. After eating half I noticed an aftertaste. The sandwich was prepared using old lettuce and previous day tomatoes. I went back to the store, simply to ask for a replacement half sanwich and was told there was nothing they could do about it. They would not give me the managers phone number. This was poor customer service. The workers there are terrible at serving, and communicating with customers. I need to speak with a manager. I will tell my coworkers and friends how terrible this subway is.

  • Leann Phillips

    Leann Phillips


    Very quick for such a busy time

  • Stephanie A

    Stephanie A


    This Subway offers fresh low calorie options. Their staff is very friendly and very quick during lunchtime, no matter how long the line. The oven roasted chicken on Italian Herb & Cheese bread is my favorite! They have many options for toppings and condiments. If you want a fast lunch while not compromising on taste, this is a good stop in this business area.

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