Subway w Brandon

Stany ZjednoczoneSubway



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1311, Kingsway Road, 33510, Brandon, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 813-653-4800
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 27.9602877, Longitude: -82.2772791

komentarze 5

  • Cynthia Brito

    Cynthia Brito


    My meatball sandwich was pretty bad the meatballs were under cook the bread was super soggy n it felt so light I had a bad stomach ache all night it was made quick n easy but I was not satisfied with it I'm not sure if I want to go there again it was around 3pm he seems nice but didn't put no effort in making my food just in and out ...I paid plus tip for just disappointment....and I ft it had so much pizza sauce meatballs seems like it was not cooked all the way .....I'll never get a meatball sandwich there no more I never had a meatball sandwich I wanted to try it before but super bad idea n I'm not sure if I want to go there n waste my money there if the employees want to make it like my food isn't important and my son ate it to and he didn't even want to finish his half so disappointed it's not like it was busy there were two men working there n they had a stank face once I entered like if they are tierd water of my money

  • Jessica Augello

    Jessica Augello


    Best Subway in town! Employees are awesome and they make great sandwiches

  • Debbie Barnhardt

    Debbie Barnhardt


    I love the girls who work in the day. Brittney is awesome as well as the other girl. They are always so pleasant.

  • Ronald Slaton

    Ronald Slaton


    The new menu is wonderful!

  • Genni Mae

    Genni Mae


    Ordered online had it ready when I walked in, everyone had a smile. Very refreshing. The food could have been terrible and because they were pleasant, I'd still give it 5. You just never see that anymore so I just wanted to make sure they know they( the young crew members behind the counter) are doing great☺️

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