Style Kitchen and Bath/ Tile'n Style w Commack

Stany ZjednoczoneStyle Kitchen and Bath/ Tile'n Style



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6233, Jericho Turnpike, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-486-8777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8430279, Longitude: -73.298798

komentarze 5

  • en



    What an amazing experience I’ve had with Style Kitchen & Bath. Sica has an amazing eye and endless patience in making your design ideas a reality! Their showroom is beautiful, not your average kitchen or tile store! Displays are sleek and modern. We are so pleased to have found Style Kitchen & Bath and will absolutely use them in the future!

  • en

    james mayfield


    Awesome selections and the customer service and knowledge of the industry, trends, and best options for my budget and space (Sica was awesome)."

  • en

    Tom Coiro


    Fabulous to work with. Great selection of product. Very knowledgeable, friendly, patient and honest, plus a good eye for design and details. Completely renovated the kitchen and two bathrooms in the house I recently purchased and I couldn't be more satisfied with Style Kitchen & Bath.

  • en

    yaninna ramirez


    It was my first time at this store and had a great experience. Quality selections and amazing customer service (Brittany was awesome). I will definitely be back.

  • en

    Helen Coiro


    Nick & Sica at Style Kitchen & Bath are everything you would hope for when shopping for kitchen cabinets, bathroom remodeling, tile and so much more. They are professionals every step of the way. They know the business better than anyone we have ever dealt with so they are able to confidently guide you in the right direction. The selection of cabinetry and tile is vast, but not overwhelming because of the way their showroom is designed. They seem to have something for every taste. Best of all, they are totally devoted to helping their customers get it right. My husband and I have spent weeks working with them on our kitchen and bathroom projects, and throughout it all, they were consistently pleasant and helpful. They are unbelievably patient and truly care about their customers' needs and desires. They are competitively priced, but more importantly, they are honest and fair, which is what every consumer wants. I am so happy that we walked into their store. We went no further because they made everything so easy.

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