Style & Chic Hair Salon w Teaneck

Stany ZjednoczoneStyle & Chic Hair Salon


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1209, Teaneck Road, 07666, Teaneck, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-530-5000
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8942424, Longitude: -74.0015533

komentarze 5

  • L Ali

    L Ali


    Always professional! Always clean, always great service! Thank you for doing what I cannot to my daughters hair and making it affordable to maintain. God bless!!! I recommend 10000000% Sister Lovely Ali

  • en

    Kimberly Perez


    This place is great!!!! I was very content with the outcome. I dyed and trimmed and got exactly what I asked for. Couldn't have asked for a better service and the people there are extremely nice!

  • yani horge

    yani horge


    Absolutely love it here. Its definitely my go to salon. They know how to handle different textures of hair and they always have my hair looking amazing. The ladies here are so nice too. I'd recommend this place to anyone that wants their hair done right.

  • en

    Jessica sambucharan


    This salon has the best service and completely fixed my hair. Before my visit, my hair used to be very dry and damaged. After visiting the salon my hair was the most bouncy and healthy that it has ever been. The coloring and trim that I received completely revived my hair and my confidence as well. Everyone was very friendly and I felt right at home. The prices are great, and the service is excellent. I will never have another bad hair day thanks to style and chic salon!!

  • en

    Roseangel Morales


    I just left this salon feeling ANGRY!!! I went there so they can touch up my roots, but then I decided to get a TRIM! I explained to the lady, I believe her name is Rosales exactly what I wanted (in Spanish) which was basically the same hair cut just needed a trim!! she told me she understood. LONG STORY SHORT...I went there looking like Rhianna and came out looking like DORA THE EXPLORER!!! the hostess tried to justify the mistake by telling me that the lady didn't understand, BUT I SPOKE TO HER IN SPANISH and Rosales said she understood..... I'm sorry, but these ladies use the language barrier as an excuse when it benefits them. obviously I will not go back,,,, its too bad because I was looking for a new stylist since my original stylist is ill. BOTTOM LINE IS DO NOT GO TO THIS LADY FOR A HAIR CUT!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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