Street Image Motorsports i Farmingdale

Forenede StaterStreet Image Motorsports



🕗 åbningstider

66, Allen Boulevard, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-991-0922
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.716233, Longitude: -73.4217929

kommentar 5

  • GlassParency Glass Protection

    GlassParency Glass Protection


    Street Image Motorsports is an Installer of our product and they do an awesome job. They are extremely professional, and they go the extra mile to make sure their customers are always treated right!

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    Brandon Glennon


    Had them do stripes on my car. Came out in great condition. Great turn around time. If anyone asks me about vinyl or anything i send them to the ones i trust. Always a pleasure doing business with Street Image Motorsports.

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    Frankie Grieco


    Great place. Great experience. Great prices. Very quality work. Everything is done to perfection here. Owner is extremely nice and reasonable.

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    john m. C


    Tolga and his guys wrapped my camaro and did an incredible job. Their attention to detail and the level of service is top notch. Always get people asking "what color paint is that?". That's how you know you have a good wrap on your car! Thanks again guys

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    tim hayes


    I was in town to see a friend and he recominded this shop for window tint. They had a great price and did an amazing job. Thank you for taking care of my car. It looks fantastic!

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