Stork Family Mortuary & Choice Cremation i Lakewood

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1895, Wadsworth Boulevard, 80214, Lakewood, Jefferson County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 303-237-5350
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Latitude: 39.745482, Longitude: -105.081806

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maria Urieta


    They are compassionate and very professional. Good services and the prices are much better than other places I shopped. I highly recommend them.

  • Magdalena Fern

    Magdalena Fern


    La funeraria Stork Family Mortuary nos dio el mejor servicio en uno de los momentos mas difisiles. Los precios son bien justos. El trato de ellos hacia nosotros fue de mucho respeto y comprencion. La funeraria es familiar y por lo tanto es mucho mejor que las franquisias que son grandes y solo piensan en como sacarte el dinero y no te brindan el servicio como debe ser. Tambien tienen gente que hablan Espanol. Se los recomiendo mucho

  • en

    Lori Gonzales


    My dad passed recently and with very little money for services they welcomed us. They were friendly and hospitable. They made us feel great and didn't pressure us to buy things we didn't need. Their prices are so much better than those big name funeral homes. The day of my dads viewing we ran a bit over and they weren't pushing us out of there. They made my dad look like himself. I was so impressed with this place. I will recommend them to everyone

  • en

    Dave H


    We came to Jim at Stork Family Mortuary to assist us in the cremation and ennichement process for my Father-In-Law. Words cannot describe the blessing that he was to our Family. He was definitely an advocate for us. In every contact with him we felt valued and respected throughout the entire process. His heart is definitely in his job. It was obvious that he genuinely cared about the pain that we were experiencing. The hugs and sincerity gave us the assurance that we weren't just a file sitting on his desk waiting to be completed . He went above and beyond what we could have expected. He even called a couple of weeks later to check on us. That spoke volumes to his genuine care for us. Our family will always be grateful, not just for the service that he provided, but for the personal touch he gave us from the time we made arrangements for the cremation to the ennichement service he arranged at Ft. Logan National Cemetery with full military honors. I and my entire Family wholeheartedly recommend Jim Stork and Stork Family Mortuary!! You will not be disappointed. Dave H. March 26, 2017

  • Mike Rotch

    Mike Rotch


    Excellent service! They helped me with all my issues and they have great prices. Working with a small business made it alot easier to deal with the death of my family member.

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