Stop & Shop w Hicksville

Stany ZjednoczoneStop & Shop



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530, West Old Country Road, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-937-7060
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7588803, Longitude: -73.5458915

komentarze 5

  • en

    ras denny


    The store was nice seems like a good atmosphere. A large assortment of items to choose from and the cashier was friendly and had a good sense of humor.

  • en

    Jodi Meschkow


    I like this grocery it's clean that's lots of awesome produce veggies and fruit alike there is lots of selections for various items everything always seems super fresh and I've never gotten anything expired or out of date. The lines move fast there's lots of cashiers working and there's never too long of a wait to pay, it's not like those other places that have a bunch of self-checkouts and just wanted to cashiers I hate that!!! I highly recommend going here even their deli section it's clean and quick moving along with their hot food bar and they even have a sushi selection!!! The bakery always has lots of yummy fresh cookies as well!!

  • en

    Julie Conti


    Customer Service Center, is rude yet self centered & obnoxious. I was discriminated against by a staff employee by the name of Samantha & the MANAGER JOHN I was there simply to pick up a Western Union Transaction I handed her 2 id’s one (Photo ID & Charge Card) like their policy states by corporate let them tell it. She informed me that since I was picking up a transaction that the sender of the transaction would have to put it under my FIRST NAME & NOT MY middle name. Complete BS! I’ve been doing Western Union for years now, & never NOT once as has store gave me this type of trouble. Obviously if Samantha could read, she would of noticed my Middle name on BOTH my id’s instead she lied and made me seem like I had stolen someone’s 2 id’s. So I told her to call her MANAGER, at first she resisted & expressed resentment by hesitation. So finally, her manager John comes over, he walks up and ask the store representative Samantha what was the problem? Excuse you, the 2 of you BOTH need to sit down and be coached and him being a supposed manager he should know better when it comes to customer service... Customers come first, he should of asked me what the problem was and not Samantha first. Then she lied to her store manager John, by saying my name on both my id’s did not match when they in fact did! Another thing, him being a manager of the store he should of asked to see both my id’s when he did not he wrongfully took his store associate’s side and not mines. Then they both lied together after one after the other by saying that’s corporate’s policy & Western Union’s policy and all John could do was shake his head at me when I tried to present to him my issue rebuttal their statements by saying my id’s do match and I further explained I’ve gone to other stores in the past & never had this issue. That unfortunately was my first attempt ever setting foot into a STOP & SHOP and needless to say it was not a good first impression and due to this it will be my final & last decision ever not setting foot into that location again. So after this I went to another Stop & Shop after 20 mins from this location went in & handed the store associate my two id’s and received my Western Union Transaction successfully with no complications.

  • Tiko C

    Tiko C


    Great place. Great service. The salad bar is second to none. Plenty of parking and they have everything you could possibly need.

  • en

    Eric G


    Very close to my home and convenient, I would say fair pricing on items. Typically clean, staff friendly. Tonight went to the men’s bathroom, found toilet paper, feces and either water or urine all over the floor. The men’s bathroom is typically grungy, I don’t get squeamish but this was absolutely disgusting. I immediately told management and they said they were looking into it right away, I really hope so. This Stop & Shop seems to attract some very odd characters especially at night. Was approached by some guy standing outside the entrance asking for money, I politely told him no sorry and he mumbled some choice words, to which I answered get a job. Police have been here a few times, guess it’s common but I’ve never seen that so far at Fairway or other supermarkets I’ve been to. Must be the surrounding neighborhood. I’m contemplating not coming here anymore

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