Stop & Shop w Revere

Stany ZjednoczoneStop & Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

40, Furlong Drive, 02151, Revere, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 781-284-0717
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3994648, Longitude: -70.9992729

komentarze 5

  • Ali Usmi

    Ali Usmi


    I was at stop and shop, and a nice gentleman named John who works for stop and shop helped me put stuff in my car. He was so kind and helpful.

  • Eli Holmes

    Eli Holmes


    Standard grocery store here. Some employees are very nice and cheerful, while others appear quiet and withdrawn. I have yet to see them not accommodate someone without a stop and shop card, so that is a plus. But it’s counteracted by long lines if you don’t want to do self checkout. Overall, I will return because it’s super convenient to go here.

  • en

    Tony Aiello


    More expensive than Market Basket but its the closest supermarket to my house. Always clean, the baggers need to be better trained.

  • en

    Rhonda Viola


    I am an avid couponer so their sales with my coupons make my purchases less expensive. the selection is great however, use caution when selecting produce and meat. I have had to return items many times. the managers are friendly and are frequently seen working somewhere throughout the store. the employees are kind and help can be found easily...for the most part! I shop here regularly!

  • en

    Jim Hill


    Super Stop &Shop. Easy parking. Large well stocked store.

najbliższy Supermarket spożywczy lub

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