Stop & Shop w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneStop & Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

160, Kingsland Road, 07014, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-779-6697
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.827287, Longitude: -74.1397709

komentarze 5

  • en

    Shoney Martinez


    This by far is one of the most expensive grocery chains in NJ at least. Even if they put their products on sale, it is still more expensive than other stores like Shoprite. And the employees here are not so accomodating, especially the ones working in the Customer Service / Lottery dept. It seems that they are not hapy with their work. Maybe they should work in an office if they are not happy doing what they are doing right now.

  • Dionna Gary

    Dionna Gary


    There’s never any person behind the seafood counter unless it’s the Hispanic woman. Whenever the Asian man or older white lady are there they are either never behind the counter or NEVER turn around to see if they have customers. It’s like they are ignoring you so they can finish cleaning. Lol it’s almost comical now.

  • en



    It ALWAYS smells like throw up in this store especially in the soda isle. No matter what time of year.

  • Chelsie David

    Chelsie David


    Sells the best things and are very helpful and nice.

  • Mirtha Clavijo

    Mirtha Clavijo


    I do all of my grocery shopping at Clifton Common, Clifton, Nj's Stop & Shop. But tonight I had a shocking experience with one of the cashiers, Patricia. She was very rude when it was extremely unnecessary. I personally felt offended by the way she treated me in front of the other costumers. I do not recommend this supermarket because they have bad costumer service. I do not think about coming back.

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