Stevens - The Institute of Business & Arts w St. Louis

Stany ZjednoczoneStevens - The Institute of Business & Arts



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1521, Washington Avenue, 63103, St. Louis, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 314-421-0949
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.6329725, Longitude: -90.2010983

komentarze 5

  • Cassidy Moody

    Cassidy Moody


    Great school and staff!

  • en

    Nicole Robertson


    I am beyond grateful that I found this charming school 3 years ago! It is small and personal with the most welcoming "Siba family"! Not to mention it's in a renovated loft space, making it trendy and fun! I was so hesitant to go back to school until finally I found this GEM and felt like I was at the right place at the right time! Fast forward...... I've now graduated at the top of my class and the opportunities just keep unfolding as we speak. Thank you to my Siba family!!!

  • Jasmine Quintana

    Jasmine Quintana


    Do not let the size of this school fool you. It may be small, but it is a powerhouse! My sister recently graduated from here, is doing fabulous, and has already landed her first job!!! She only had positive things to say about her program, her instructors, and the quality of the education she received. The school invested in her and helped give her direction, which is not always a given. I am so proud of her and what she has accomplished. I am thankful that SIBA provided the opportunity and guidance to get her there!

  • en

    Edward Engel


    We recently added a Graphic Design program (with illustration) and some great work is being produced.

  • Haley Hutchinson

    Haley Hutchinson


    might be my future college can't wait to go in 3 years

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