Steven's Ford w East Patchogue

Stany ZjednoczoneSteven's Ford



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507, New York 112, 11772, East Patchogue, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-475-1133
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7865293, Longitude: -73.0085025

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nicole Elizabeth


    Dave & Bobby both worked their magic to get me the car of my choice as fast and as easy as possible. I was physically in the dealership for a total of 1 hour! They worked hard to complete what they could for me over the phone so that I would not have to interrupt my daily schedule (with kids) waiting for my car to be ready to go, as this can normally take hours at other dealerships. I am very grateful and cannot wait to come back in 3 years when my lease is up! Thank you for a job well done. I love my 2018 Ford Edge!

  • en

    Ronnie Xdiaz


    Tyrone is always great, will go out of his way to acomadate his customers to there needs. We bring our trucks to get service and never have an issue. Very happy here, thanks to the service dept for great work each time.

  • en

    Paul Seevers


    Love Stevens Ford. This is our third Explorer we have gotten so far and the sales team there are terrific. Loved working with Cody Clark and all of the managers and staff that helped us along the way. The financing department is also second to none. It is a real streamlined process there.

  • en

    Melissa Stevenson


    I LOVE MY Ford Fusion!!!! I shopped around at a few local dealerships but once i stepped foot in Steven's Ford I knew this was the place I would purchase my NEW first car!!! I felt so comfortable with my salesman, he really knew his stuff!!! showed me all the best features and helped me find the best package for my needs and budget! Everyone I worked with was extremely helpful!! This is overall a great dealership!!!!!!!! Highly recommend it!!!

  • en

    mehmood choudhry


    Dealership was very nice and clean. Everyone was really helpful, nice, and friendly, especially John and Bobby. Also extremely good deals on new and used cars. I recommend to check out this dealership. I am really happy with my purchase of a used 2015 Lincoln Navigator L and getting a really good deal on it. I am glad I made the decision to go visit Stevens Ford.

najbliższy Dealer samochodowy

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