Steven M Haber DDS - Oral Surgery en Fort Lee

Estados UnidosSteven M Haber DDS - Oral Surgery



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1319, Anderson Avenue, 07024, Fort Lee, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-224-0094
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8432812, Longitude: -73.9802022

comentarios 5

  • en

    Gabi Guizarnotegui


    I didn’t get a chance to review Dr. Haber before but he is a trustworthy oral surgeon to go to. I’m terrified of dentists but I came here for a wisdom tooth extraction and he made everything go smoothly. There was no pain during the process. He even called me and followed up to see how I was. I will be going back for a second extraction. Highly recommend!

  • Andrea Neeranjan

    Andrea Neeranjan


    I went in for my right-side wisdom teeth extraction and found Dr. Haber through a series of recommendations. I am utterly petrified of dentists of all forms, but Dr. Haber was very calm, understanding, and thorough as he talked me through the process of every stage and gave very definitive instructions on post-surgery care. Dr. Haber and his staff displayed incredible bedside manners and he sang throughout the procedure and his MA talked me through it. I left his office feeling calm and assured that my recovery will be seamless (which it is). I am grateful that I have found an oral surgeon that I trust and is willing to go out of his way to meet his patient's needs.

  • Denill Grimaud

    Denill Grimaud


    Dr. Haber and all his staff were very professional. I had two wisdom teeth removed and he explained the whole process and made me feel at ease with the whole procedure. After the extraction I was very pleased at the fact the he personally reached out to me to see if everything was ok. I will definitely be recommending him to everyone.

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    Michael Galuskin


    Been going to Dr. Haber for years he is the best

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    H. Haynes


    Had a great experience & highly recommend Dr. Haber. He is very thorough and professional. Expertly removed my impacted wisdom tooth with out any pain, went back to work same day.

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