Stephan E Uslan, Attorney And Counselor At Law, w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneStephan E Uslan, Attorney And Counselor At Law,



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1663, Humboldt Street, 80218, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 720-644-8603
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.7428352, Longitude: -104.969864

komentarze 5

  • en

    Walter Conwell


    Steve is an excellent attorney! He helped me to navigate a very difficult divorce with grace and ease. While at the same time treating me as a friend and not just a client. I highly recommend him.

  • en

    Kathryn Guerrero


    Mr. Uslan is an incredible attorney who focuses on the best interest of the children involved in any family law case. He is ethical, patient, and kind in dealing with some of the most challenging situations that arise in any persons life.

  • en

    Trish Miller


    He's a great lawyer. He will give you the best results that you never imagine. I will always recommend him to my friends. Trust him and you will get what you expect! Trish Miller

  • en

    D Phillips


    Mr. Uslan handled my divorce in 2012, and I could not have had a better experience considering the circumstances. He went out of his way to make sure that my interests were protected and that I wasn't taken advantage of. He was very knowledgeable regarding court procedures and helped to erase some of the mystery about what might occur during proceedings. His office staff (Fred, especially), was very friendly and helpful. Calls were returned in a timely manner, and I was always informed about what was going on with my case. I highly recommend Mr. Uslan for any family law issues you may have.

  • en

    Shawn Miller


    Using Attorney Uslan for my divorce and child custody was the best choice in a bad situation. He was able to lead me through the process and explain in detail the steps we would make to ensure a positive delivery and outcome in the best interest of my family. His knowledge of the courts and experience in creating clarity in the court room was outstanding. I appreciated that he was on my side and working on my behalf. When I needed to discuss matters Mr. Uslan was quick to respond and available when needed. I would definitely recommend Attorney Uslan.

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