Steidl & Steinberg i Pittsburgh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSteidl & Steinberg



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1932 707, Grant Street, 15219, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 412-391-8000
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Latitude: 40.4425897, Longitude: -79.9951068

kommentar 5

  • Joseph Donohue

    Joseph Donohue


    I was a hard case. As most firms, sometimes the attorney or paralegal are difficult to contact. I was impressed with Ken Steidl contacting me late in evening on initial part of case.

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    Amanda Driver


    Kenny Steinberg and Jessica Barlow were excellent during a pretty scary and stressful situation. Not only did they help me, but their calm and empathetic demeanor helped me through the whole process. I would highly recommend Steidl & Steinberg without reservation.

  • Tom Cogley

    Tom Cogley


    This firm is the best, and I say that based on first hand experience. When I first consulted with them, through to my discharge was about a three year time span. I was upside down but gainfully employed when I first consulted. Three years later I had been laid off and my situation involved a lawsuit from a creditor and other potential lawsuits, so I re-connected with Steidl and Steinberg and even though some time had elapsed, they were on point in every way. Any question that came up for me I would email Kenny Steinberg, (email being the easiest way for me personally to communicate) the partner handling my case, and would hear back promptly. They are nonjudgmental, which is a great quality in attorneys (and in a firm) handling bankruptcy, a situation which if you're going through can leave you feeling vulnerable. They are absolute professionals in every possible way, in my experience. You really cannot go wrong, I'd urge anyone who is even thinking of it to pick up the phone and set up a consultation. Great place, great people.

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    Justin Hartzell


    Been almost 2 years now since it's been discharged. Compassionate people and easy to work with for sure. Recommend this firm to anyone. Best money I could spend!

  • Lindsey DiBattista

    Lindsey DiBattista


    Attorney Steinberg was a breath of fresh air! He was very kind, compassionate, very understanding, very honest and patient. I am extremely grateful for his representation of me through my bankruptcy proceedings. I am at ease knowing I have the opportunity of a new financial beginning. Thanks you Attorney Steinberg.

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