Steeplechase Coffee w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSteeplechase Coffee



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3013, Fort Hamilton Parkway, 11218, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.6485452, Longitude: -73.978875

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brett Allen


    This place is one of the best coffee shops in Brooklyn hands down. Excellent coffe and fantastic pastries. I'd say they are as good or better than Blue Bottle coffee. They have great hot chocolate too, doesn't have that artificial taste like D&D has.

  • en

    Anna Keller


    I freaking LOVE this place! I live in Midwood and whenever we take the kids to Prospect Park, or on our way to the city, we ALWAYS stop at Steeplechase. Awesome staff, equally awesome coffee! Few places like this one left in Brooklyn. AND the owner is a mother of 3 and runs this place like a BOSS! She rules!

  • Jason McAlpin

    Jason McAlpin


    Great Cafe with a wonderful staff. Friendly place to sit and relax with a nice hot cup of your favorite. In the summer I really like their Arnold Palmers. They just started serving grilled cheese to go alongside their menu of pastries.

  • Patrick Sullivan

    Patrick Sullivan


    Coffee smelled good, and tasted good and strong. SADLY, supervisor slammed me for asking to 'say when' to pour my warm milk into my expresso. She inserted herself between me and the poor worker in process of delivering my cortado. Truly angry was she! I have not returned now for 2 years, and considering giving the place another try. I visit many such shops in NYC, this was truly a disgusting performance for a normal order which should take less than 20 seconds to make the customer happy. NEVER was I so poorly treated!

  • en

    Bob Taliaferro


    Great coffee and pastries for a good price. Friendly, knowledgeable and hard-working staff. Love going there! You can either take your leisure at a table, or take it to go.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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