Staybridge Suites Fort Worth - Fossil Creek w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneStaybridge Suites Fort Worth - Fossil Creek



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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6301, North Freeway, 76131, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-847-5000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8568283, Longitude: -97.3149616

komentarze 5

  • Destiny Lozano

    Destiny Lozano


    I had the worst service ever!! The front desk was so rude after they found out my boyfriend was from mexico they started decling everything! My card didn't work and oh i wasnt 21 and clearly had a argument with them that i am 21 lol clearly on my ID WILL NEVER GO HERE AGAIN while gladly holiday inn took everything and had my in the best suit !

  • Diane Fuller

    Diane Fuller


    The staff is friendly and lovely. We had a long interaction with one of the staff members. The lobby is beautiful decorated. Spacious rooms for an entire family.

  • en

    Vickie Castro


    This hotel is super nice and comfortable. The staff was friendly however they do charge alot for their rooms their breakfast is wonderful and has a good variety to choose from. My only complaint is that I have a service dog and wasn't allowed to take her into the breakfast area which isn't right service animals are not like other dogs and should be allowed anywhere I think that the staff should be trained a little more on this part because I was forced to leave and ended up not eating at all because of it

  • en

    Travis Waters


    Visited the hotel a month before to get all needed information and was assured they would be having a special social on Christmas Eve, even though it was on a Sunday. Went ahead and booked the room. Checked in an hour after garuanteed check-in and our room was still not ready, had to wait another 1 hr. Finally can check-in and we are informed there is no social going on Christmas Eve, so had to spend extra money to go out and eat, since grocery stores were closed and couldn’t pick anything up to make. Called after check out and asked to talk to a manager. I was advised the regional manager will be on duty in the morning and so I asked for a call back then. Never received a call back. Had to call back a day later only to talk to the shift supervisor who informed me it was not their fault that I was misinformed about the social. The shift supervisor said I should have looked at their information board at the hotel or I should have gone online to check for details. I asked for a regional manager to call me back and still have not heard a word from them. I will no longer be carrying on our family tradition of a staycation at any of their hotels due to the way of being treated.

  • Lindsey McDonald

    Lindsey McDonald


    Was only here for an hour or so visiting a friend, but the staff was cool, room was AMAZING, property was gorgeous, BUT location is awful. The freeway is horrific and so is traffic. Even getting to the hotel through the parking lot was challenging.

najbliższy Kwatera

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