Stavros Salon Inc i Albertson

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1137, Willis Avenue, 11507, Albertson, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-484-1818
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Latitude: 40.7747043, Longitude: -73.64995

kommentar 4

  • Nick Maou

    Nick Maou


  • Gladys Hernandez

    Gladys Hernandez


  • Elyse Salpeter

    Elyse Salpeter


    Joanne was the first person that I ever went to, to color my hair. She helped match it perfectly and I can't imagine going to anyone else. I'm confused at the discussions that it's overpriced. This place is so much cheaper than NYC for cuts, colors and blowouts. Now I take my kids here. Joanne is great, lovely, and I recommend her highly.

  • Gary Sugameli

    Gary Sugameli


    Pat is amazing with all age groups. It figures because she comes from a family of hair stylists. She's been cutting, coloring and styling my whole family's hair for so many years and we always get such great compliments. She's got a wonderful relationship with all her clients and kids are so comfortable sitting in her chair. She really has it together. A great asset to the salon!

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