Staten Island Laundry Company i New York

Forenede StaterStaten Island Laundry Company



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2750, Hylan Boulevard, 10306, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 646-868-3647
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.5642796, Longitude: -74.1139834

kommentar 5

  • Katya Mikulich

    Katya Mikulich


    The friendliest staff you can find anywhere. The owners go out of their way to ensure you have only positive experience and treat each customer like a dear friend.

  • Apoling Solutions Natalie Gorlenko

    Apoling Solutions Natalie Gorlenko


    Great, very professional services. Neat and extremely - well organized family-owned business. I have been using them beginning the first day they opened and definitely recommend. Trustworthy and reliable owners. Deliver at your home for no charge- if you need. Mike, the owner, and his amassing wife makes you feel as you are home, being attentive to customer needs, friendly and smiling:) Thank you for being there for us!

  • en

    Taryn Black


    Just tried this delivery service for the first time (I normally do drop off and pick up near my home in New Springville). Scheduling, Modifying, and Cancelling the appointment was seamless through a mobile friendly online portal. Updates are received via email and text (only feedback is that I had to call after a few hours to find out if mt same day pick up was confirmed, but hey, I got a same day appt so I'm not complaining). Once confirmed, my laundry was picked up within 20 minutes of the scheduled 6pm pick up time. I received a call at 3pm next day letting me know my laundry was ready. I was able to pay right over the phone, and include tip (received 20% discount for booking online so I gave it back in the tip). I was asked what time i wanted for drop off, and was able to get the latest time (6:30pm). They were ok with me not being home to receive the delivery. When I arrived home, I was pleasantly surprised!!! I always pre-sort my laundry by color and wash type (normal vs. Delicate), but I forgot to tell them which items were hang dry. When i got home, i found most (if not all) of my hang dry items were hanging and covered in clear dry cleaners bags!!! Such a nice surprise. I haven't put anything away yet, so I'll update once I do, but overall I'm so HAPPY with this experience and will be setting up recurring appts moving forward. Thank you Amy, Mike, and SI Laundry Co. for an awesome first experience with laundry delivery!!

  • en

    Rachia Cruz


    The staff is very pleasant and organized. The place is clean. The machines are efficient. The rewards program is a nice perk!!

  • en

    laura hollingsworth


    Me and my fiancée just moved into the area, from Graniteville. With the craziness of the move, I had forgotten to get the past week's worth of work clothes washed. To top it off, we went on a short weekend getaway, which just added to it. When I realized my mistake, early Sunday evening, I was gritting my teeth at the thought of sitting in the laundromat, and then coming home to finish up unpacking. So, I found SI Laundry Co. & called up, praying they were still accepting same day service! Despite the fact that it was already 4pm, & the fact that they were completely swamped, they still fit me into the busy schedule! When I dropped the clothes off, the place was super clean, and the people were so nice and accommodating, and even helped me to my car later that evening when I picked the clothes up! Customer service at its absolute finest! They took so much stress off my shoulders, so relieved to have found them!!

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