State Farm: Frantz Gaston Jr w Paterson

Stany ZjednoczoneState Farm: Frantz Gaston Jr



🕗 godziny otwarcia

750, Broadway, 07504, Paterson, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-782-4343
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9179875, Longitude: -74.1414924

komentarze 5

  • en

    Pablo Rafael Casado Nunez


    Hello, My name is Pablo Casado, and I just experienced a great customer service with Arlenis Enrique who is a customer care representative. She automatically answered all of my inquiries in a timely manner. I did not want to lose this opportunity to thank Arlenis and Marien (her supervisor) for being very approachable and kind with me during the process of my home owner quote. Thank you Arlenis for enhancing my customer experience! Pablo

  • en

    Waseem Alsharif


    They keep changing prices and they give you wrong information about the increase. I’m trying to call them , the office open till 3 pm and the phone system give me that the office close!!

  • en

    Karam Karam


    The worst customer service ever ..never return calls never got answer to your problem never received my motorcycle insurance card I will never Recommend this it’s agent they need to hire more professional people know what they’re doing they just a big mess they very bad such a waste of time. . I had to transfer to a different state form office

  • Krystle Sercu

    Krystle Sercu


    The Frantz Gaston Jr agency has been very helpful in helping me understand what my coverage would be and relocating.

  • Olive Green

    Olive Green


    I find it extremely hard to see as to why there are such bad reviews when I went I found excellent customer service. Everyone there was extremely friendly and helpful. When I had any questions or any problems Frantz and his team were always available and where there to help me through the process. I strongly recommend this to anyone new to insurance and is interested in buying policies Frantz and his team are the best HANDS DOWN!

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