State Farm: Carol Manganaro w Hempstead

Stany ZjednoczoneState Farm: Carol Manganaro



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80, Front Street, 11550, Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-481-5708
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.703576, Longitude: -73.633516

komentarze 5

  • Cin J

    Cin J


    Carol and her staff have been so helpful and so kind. Zulma took her time to go over my policy and broke everything down for me. Thank you again statefarm!

  • en

    Norma Torres


    Love my State Farm representative Zulma she always so efficient and answers any questions or concerns I have.

  • en

    JoAnn Mallimo


    Carol Manganaro & her staff are outstanding representatives for State Farm. They are extremely helpful. If they don’t know the answer to your question they research it & call you back very quickly. Service is most important to them. I have no problem recommending Carol & her staff.

  • Maria Gonzalez

    Maria Gonzalez


    One of the main reasons I love State Farm so much is the personal attention you get from having an agent. If I have a problem or concern all I have to do is call them and I immediately get someone on the phone without having to go through the automated system.

  • en

    Dartray Belk


    Carol is amazing person, but her staff is terrible. They are truly no help and never understanding . They raise the price without explaining and even if you have a situation they don't care. So that's why i give them 1 star. Its really unfair . the lady in the front next to the door is very rude. Like she doesn't even want to be there at work. I've been with them for 12 years and just got worst and worst.

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