Starter's w Detroit

Stany ZjednoczoneStarter's



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4501, Woodward Avenue, 48201, Detroit, Wayne County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 313-831-3100
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 42.3539693, Longitude: -83.0627993

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mason Davis


    Waitress was nice but food was terrible. I sent back one of my appetizers because it was just nasty. Once I got my entree I wasn’t pleased either. I didn’t want to feel like a pain in the ass but my pepper steak was nasty and very chewy and my Philly steak sub was dry and not very pleasing. However my son enjoyed his cheese sticks and wing dings which were actually good. I’ll never be back for food again. Maybe the drinks tho. The only reason I gave them 2 stars is because of how nice the waitress was and how my son liked his food. That’s it. I just wish I would have gotten my money back honestly.

  • Lewis Dennison

    Lewis Dennison


    On a Sunday night at 10 o'clock where can you get a great steak... Starters has a good menu lots of apps really attentive waitresses staff was excellent. Food was really great

  • en

    Allison Bamberg


    I have never before been treated the way I was treated here today. There was barely any other customers but for some reason we still had to wait forever to get ANYTHING! It wasn't the first time I'd been to Starters but this was my first at this location. And I STRONGLY believe it had a lot to do with the fact I was the only white woman in the restaurant and I came in with my black husband. I'm no stranger to dirty looks for it but for it to affect my service is unacceptable. I had to wait longer for my food than anyone else at our table, I didn't get ANY of that delicious bread until after I got my food and had to ask for it, and when I did get my crab legs: they were cold, underweight, scraps. I only get the crab there. It's the only reason I go. I had to ask for each of the tools to eat them individually before I got them and could start eating. Even after asking for them, my husband had to go up to him and ask again because he was just standing at the register 15ft away from me just standing there. His name was Kevin and the best part of the entire meal was the look on his face when he realized I was the one paying. He got no tip from me on a $117 bill which is something I have never done in my life. I always give at least 20% because I know that's how servers make their money but I was disgusted enough to leave nothing. I will never be back to this location. I've been treated better at the one on Plymouth in the hood.

  • NOLA to DET

    NOLA to DET


    I've been to starters a number of times & have enjoyed it each & every time. I always go for a promotion & am hardly ever disappointed. I ordered the 4 bone ribs, and sad to say, they were fatty, sauce was decent, but meat was tender. China was my waitress & she was very attentive & very accommodating.👏🏾 The adult beverages you'll NEVER be disappointed bcus they don't skimp on the alcohol. Thanks china for that slight buzz.👏🏾👍🏾🥃

  • Sherri Reed

    Sherri Reed


    Was jam packed with a lot of people, maybe just a time of day that I went. Even with it being very busy, staff was very nice and very pleasant. I like that there's a picture guy that walks around taking pictures of different tables and parties upon request. Food was hot and it was good.

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