Starbucks i Boca Raton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterStarbucks



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6000, Glades Road, 33431, Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 561-417-2587
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.3654303, Longitude: -80.13334

kommentar 5

  • Maxwell Parker

    Maxwell Parker


    DO NOT GO HERE. This place is horrible, they take forever and are rude. Do yourself a favor and just go to a different location. Spare yourself the 25 minute wait with subpar service

  • Eugenia Gutierrez

    Eugenia Gutierrez


    While shopping we stop to get some Starbucks and they’re was no line. However the line to pickup was horrendous long. It was total chaos. Received my white toasted chocolate mocha had no sprinkles and I had to request it. Just not a good customer experience.

  • Creed Snow

    Creed Snow


    Whenever I make a trip to the town center, I usually swing by for a coffee. Tell me why its wrong every single time. I just drink it and go about my day. The label will say whipped cream but there wont be whipped cream on top. The label will say %2 milk but not have any milk. Today, I was in line for 15 minutes to be told "we're closed" as soon as I get up the register. It wasn't even 7pm yet, anyway. I guess you guys are so over worked and tired you err in repetition. Next time, should I go Karen at the counter?

  • Dan Geller

    Dan Geller


    This particular Starbucks has a woman who works there (don't recall her name) who is SO friendly and nice that you want to keep going back just to hear her friendly voice. Also, check out the hat she wears to work everyday: it features collector pins from all around the world that customers give her. And don't forget to ask her about her earrings (exotic coffee beans in a lucite case).

  • Mary Greer

    Mary Greer


    This is for the location by the fountain: My 6 year old nephew was just choking but managed to get the piece of food out of his throat by literally reaching down his throat to get it before we could do anything else. His throat was completely sore from the experience! He asked for water and we thought SURELY Starbucks would give a cup of water, you could see his eyes were still red and watery. But no. Because we didn't wait in line and order a drink, they refused to give him even a small drink of water to soothe his throat. Thankfully, the lady that was in line - who had just ordered a drink - ordered him a cup of water. Absolutely disappointed in Starbucks. Shame on you.

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