Starbucks w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4505, East Charleston Boulevard, 89104, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-715-5182
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.1585256, Longitude: -115.076751

komentarze 5

  • en

    Ruben Banuelos


    Just left the drive thru, I ordered a venti iced chai tea latte and a lemon pound cake. Arrived right before closing, went to the window and paid, the guy closed it, then after waiting for 10 min I figured that maybe they didn't take my order correctly so I drove to the front and notice they were closed, I pointed the guy over and mentioned i ordered a drink and was waiting 10 min in the drive thru for it. He checked in with the guy that works there with the Afro and he said I never ordered a drink. Funny part is they saw me waiting in the drive thru for 10 min like an idiot and didn't bother asking if I needed something, to even worse they could've made that drink so fast for me and I would've been on my way. I always stop at this Starbucks before work but never again.

  • en

    Amy Vallely


    Very poor customer service. What happened to people being cheerful when greeting and taking orders. The drinks were great, but when employees stuck at service, it -7 to leave a butter taste in my mouth no matter how good the dri is are. The employees at this location are too busy talking to each other to realize you are at the counter and they are so caught up in what they were talking about, that they fail to greet their customers in a timely manner.

  • Andre'a Thomas

    Andre'a Thomas


    The Baristas are wonderful at this location. It's been my favorite place to go in this part of the city. I'm troubled by recent events. Starbucks must work them out so that what's good about the stores remains.

  • Edward Anderson

    Edward Anderson


    Comfortable place very friendly and knowledgeable sales people. The coffee was delicious. Recommend for a stronger coffee flavor you go for the Blonde espresso shot.

  • gamila mia

    gamila mia


    The driveway is a nightmare . Your better off parking the car and walking inside. Is quicker then sitting in the car. This only in the mornings though

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