Starbucks i Lexington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterStarbucks



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3401, Nicholasville Road, 40503, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 859-271-1157
internet side:
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Latitude: 37.9893548, Longitude: -84.5279953

kommentar 5

  • Hany Elkholy

    Hany Elkholy


    it is a nice place for a quick pick up and you can set where ever you want in the mall specially for those accompanying other shoppers and don't want to move 😉😉

  • Sýraniss Van Guërre

    Sýraniss Van Guërre


    Food just isn't that good, sandwiches taste cheap, and their muffins are usually kind of crunchy even early in the day.

  • Jackie Stallone

    Jackie Stallone


    The Baristas here are top notch. I never have to repeat my order twice. My dog also is a big fan of Starbucks because he gets a pup cup without asking for it. I love this place it makes my day !

  • en

    Matthew Taylor


    Excellent service. Quick, efficient and correct.

  • en

    Morgan McMinn


    I was passing through the mall today after getting Hawaiian Ice at the entrance. I stopped close to the Starbucks kiosk to eat my delicious coconut flavored ice when the baristas met me with enthusiastic greetings, even though it was 10 til closing. While I didn't order a drink myself I witnessed several people go through the line quickly and efficiently. They were all met by a friendly, heroic staff. Smiling people at 10 til closing deserve all the rewards.

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