Starbucks w Clovis

Stany ZjednoczoneStarbucks



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1650, Herndon Avenue, 93611, Clovis, Fresno County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 559-297-6410
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.835719, Longitude: -119.685054

komentarze 5

  • Sharlize Bonilla

    Sharlize Bonilla


    I love going into this starbucks. The baristas are so sweet and friendly. They always remember the usuals and if anything is wrong with your drink they have no problem fixing it!

  • Mike Bavoso

    Mike Bavoso


    You need to ask if the coffee is fresh and hot. (Just like french frys when you order a Big Mac) Mine was somewhere between warn and cool. Very bitter, not what you would expect from Starbuck's.

  • Em Evans

    Em Evans


    Completely new staff so new review. Long waits. Waited like 20 min to get a drink that was made 20 min before and was only 3/4 full Im assuming because I asked for no ice since they completely fill it with ice even if you ask for light ice and I paid extra for this drink. Also, got a look from the barista like they were mad at me. I never go inside now. This won't be my go to location anymore, until the staff cycles out.

  • Johnny V.

    Johnny V.


    I truly wish I could give them a 5 star, but I thank goodness for the girl that I got. She smiled, and very friendly. I spoke to two other workers, and it seemed they had a chip on there shoulder. The girl at the door sent me and three other people to the wrong place. Even the security guy. Something about the DMV most worker think they own the world. They truly need to change. Most offices have that same attitude. Sorry for my anger.

  • Chris Kemper

    Chris Kemper


    Very nice neat and clean. The only downside was the amount of homeless people that kept coming in to charge their phones and use the restroom. The food was quick and warm and my drink was tasty.

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