Starbucks i Bellevue

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterStarbucks



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Wolf Creek Drive, 68123, Bellevue, Sarpy County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 402-293-2374
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.1580314, Longitude: -95.934773

kommentar 5

  • Auto Nebraska

    Auto Nebraska


    Why hide ride-sharing orders and have to wait? Hiding ride-sharing orders can cause frustration and inconvenience for both drivers and customers. Drivers may have to wait for their turn, which can be time-consuming and feel ignored. From a financial perspective, drivers may receive a $4 cancellation fee, which can sometimes be more than the profit they would have earned from completing the trip. It would be better to take the orders as customers, as this would allow for a more efficient and customer-friendly experience. By doing so, drivers can get their rides in a timely manner and earn a fair wage for their services.

  • Allison Winklepleck

    Allison Winklepleck


    Grabbed drinks today. 2 employees obviously at odds with each other. My daughter had gotten her pink drink and our food but I hadn’t gotten my coffee. Went to counter and got practically yelled out bedside she was mad that it wasn’t her job to make my coffee and the lady who took my order should have done it. I told her I could tell they were mad at each other and I would just like my simple order. Not sure I will go back. Let’s not play “it’s not my job” game.

  • Jessica Montaño

    Jessica Montaño


    Cute store. Employees are very kind

  • Lesley Miller

    Lesley Miller


    At this particular store the employees have always been very friendly (5 star rating). As for speed of service it’s horrible at this location (1 star rating). I know they have a ton of traffic on a hourly rate so I can only imagine how exhausted the employees are. There are serving their customers as quickly as they can make the drinks. I’ve waited over 20+ minutes to place my order on a few separate times. I now try to order ahead and run inside to grab my drinks. It’s much faster that way.

  • InkSolv30, LLC

    InkSolv30, LLC


    I placed a mobile order to pick up through the drive-thru. There was not a long wait the service was fast and efficient, however, the protein box I got was soggy. The cucumbers had ice between them. The wrap was wet enough that my thumb went through it when I picked it up. I did not go back to ask the manager to make it right because I had a two and a half hour commute home and was already on my way. The pictures don't accurately represent how bad it was. I wasn't able to get pictures right away because I was driving. By the time I did take pictures, the wraps had absorbed some of the water..Shame on me for not checking it when they gave it to me. Shame on them for serving poor quality product.

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