Star Hyundai en New York

Estados UnidosStar Hyundai



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201-16, Northern Boulevard, 11361, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-631-6700
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7573319, Longitude: -73.7811531

comentarios 5

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    I purchase 2015 Elantra used from this seller. Sales rep. Tommy helped me out to make the purchase with comfort. Everything was fast and straight forward. I will definitely buy from this seller again! Star Hyundai in Bayside is a car dealership with integrity. Thank you Tommy!

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    Debra DiPaolo


    Excellent service. This is the 2nd time we've used this dealership & I recommend highly. We dealt with Philip & he was a pleasure to work with.

  • Heather Park

    Heather Park


    I’ve been meaning to buy a new car but couldnt decide on which brand but I eventually decided to go with Hyundai cause the sales reps here like Seon and manager Philip were so accommodating and professional. And I didn’t feel any pressure from them like I did at other dealers. I really love my new Tucson, it rides as smooth as butter :) If youre looking for a new car check out Star Hyundai!! You won’t regret it~

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    Gloria Peal


    I bought a used sonata, and the very next day the car did not start, i called and spoke with the manager Andrew and he did nothing about it, spoke to the salesman Tommy, and the sales manager Phillip, he promised to call me back, it's been 3 weeks i have not heard from him. Needless to say i have to jump the car at times, I spoke to a mechanic, and it's the battery, all they need to do is put in a new battery. I paid $10,000.00 cash for the car, you cannot thrust the people at this dealership. I will call the corporate office

  • Frank Zolcinski Jr.

    Frank Zolcinski Jr.


    Phil Robinson was really awesome! He gave us all the details we needed about our choice and at a fair price! We recommend to anybody who wants to purchase or lease a Hyundai to definitely give him a call! Thanks Cecilia and Frank Z:-)

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