Star Club i San Diego

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterStar Club



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423, E Street, 92101, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 619-234-5575
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Latitude: 32.7144101, Longitude: -117.1606961

kommentar 5

  • en

    Robert Malek


    Sick little dive bar in the misdle of the city. $2 domestic btls on certain days. Great quick stop.

  • Hillari Selby

    Hillari Selby


    A downtown San Diego institution that everyone should check out. It's been there for probably 30 years. It's huge with plenty of space and ability to grab a barstool, cheap drinks, tons of alcohol to choose from, ...but you have to be ok with a definite dirty dive bar vibe (I am). The owners are a family who actually own the building, allowing them to keep prices cheap... Think $4 vodka sodas, compared to $12 just around the corner.

  • Corey Roberts

    Corey Roberts


    They don’t accept passports as proof of ID. The sign outside says a passport is an “acceptable” form of ID. If you can use a passport to go through customs of countries across the world, I think you can buy cheap liquor from a dive bar in San Diego. Out of 30 people in our group, 1 had a passport, and we were all turned away. The bouncers are simply mouthpieces of an idiotic rule which they defend as though it’s nationwide law.

  • Sandra Chanthakoumman

    Sandra Chanthakoumman


    I’ve been to this dive bar so many times and still love this place. The bartenders are so friendly even the security. I always feel welcome when I come to this place and I honestly prefer this place over in the other bar downtown and sometimes it’s my only stop. It’s a place where you get an expensive drinks, a friendly service and a great time. I will definitely be coming back :)

  • Gale Taylor

    Gale Taylor


    I was by myself after a long day of volunteering at the Civic Center outside in the sun. All I wanted was a beer. I walked in and almost walked out because it was such a dive. However something made me stay, and I wound up staying for about six hours! Even though I I am in my 60s, people were so friendly and I had a blast! I loved talking to the owner, Star. She is such a delight and has a very interesting life. Check out the picture of her by the cash register. I loved the bartenders too! You need to ask them how long they've worked at this bar. Lonnie has worked at this place for 37 years! Others were not that many years, but close! The best part was the bill. Drinks are cheap. Go and enjoy yourself

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