Star Car Auto en East Northport

Estados UnidosStar Car Auto



🕗 horarios

35, Monmouth Court, 11731, East Northport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-261-3440
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8814145, Longitude: -73.3312006

comentarios 5

  • en

    John Cassidy


    Thanks just got car back🏄🏽🏌️great staff excellent they call you with updates on repairs very friendly 🚗 is in great shape so happy to have it back Highly recommend

  • en

    JohnnyMac 107


    Have been to Star Car several times over the years. Friendly, fast and fantastic work. Have recommended Star Car to everyone who's ever asked. Have only had them all come back to me thanking me for the recommendation and saying how happy they are with the work.

  • Becca Idzinski

    Becca Idzinski


    My brand new car with less than 2,000miles on it got hit by another vehicle. Every new car owners worst night mare. Brand new and will never be the same? Looks good as new thanks to star car.. staff was great office people very pleasant and professional over the phone everything was taken care of for me. thanks so much to Ken and Mark for making me feel super comfortable leaving my car and making it beautiful again. Worth the trip.

  • Sarah Martin

    Sarah Martin


    We always bring our cars in to Star Car when we need body work done even though we live all the way in Queens. They are quick, efficient, and able to get the job done at a reasonable price.

  • en

    Gordon Cinco


    Very well run, friendly and professional. These guys helped get me back up and running after my car met an unfortunate end at the hands of a firetruck. Highly recommended.

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