Star Auto Glass i Elmont

Forenede StaterStar Auto Glass



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95, Meacham Avenue, 11003, Elmont, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-437-0211
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.705626, Longitude: -73.6902356

kommentar 5

  • en

    NY Jett32


    Quick courteous service. Passenger vent window on 2016 Honda Accord. Tinted and installed.

  • en

    Rissa Garcia


    These Gentlemen are always more then just kind they have exceptional service and go above and beyond to accommodate your needs! Thanks fellas

  • Brandon Sweetman

    Brandon Sweetman


    Nice shop, excellent service. You won't find a more honest shop

  • en

    Allan Alexander


    Wow this is one of the most affordable and we'll managed place I even being too, thanks guys

  • Kate Slim

    Kate Slim


    Awesome service by Star Auto Glass, Elmont, NY! Got me in and out in about 40 minutes! They changed my severely pitted windshield for me and it looks 100% better than before. Making an appointment with them was effortless. I only wish I had it replaced sooner. I will definitely be coming here for my other vehicle's glass needs and telling others to so as well!

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