Staples w Chevy Chase

Stany ZjednoczoneStaples



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6800, Wisconsin Avenue, 20815, Chevy Chase, Montgomery County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-652-3174
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9778649, Longitude: -77.0916629

komentarze 5

  • David Park

    David Park


    Went there at 6 pm to have some maps printed and laminated. They charged me just under $300 for five maps. They told me to return by 9 pm. Not done. Told me to return by 9 am the next day. They call me at 10:30 pm to let me know that their lamination machine broke and the work won’t be done. If you can’t complete a job, don’t take it. I could have take it to Fedex next doo, but your insistence to complete the work just killed two days for me.

  • Reza Ghanadan

    Reza Ghanadan


    They matched online prices with no problem. Have good selection of printer ink. Some staff very friendly. Good hours of operation.

  • Filip Jasinski

    Filip Jasinski


    So bad staff. Every single time there is confusion and nervous talk. Makes us travel far to get the same staff.

  • Moses D

    Moses D


    Terrible customer service - after they charged me $1 per printed page and gave poor instructions which led to the document printing the wtong size they wanted to charge me $2 to use their paper cutter. Carlos was no help and the other store employees seemed just as clueless. Shop elsewhere...

  • Maksim Altmark

    Maksim Altmark


    Excellent and responsive employees. One of the best stores in the area. Quick, respectful, and overall high quality service and assistance. Especially, I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Darren in the copy and print center. He was very helpful and helped me complete an urgent assembly task on time.

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