Staples w Totowa

Stany ZjednoczoneStaples



🕗 godziny otwarcia

545, U.S. 46, 07512, Totowa, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-890-5454
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.897354, Longitude: -74.238702

komentarze 5

  • Shanice H

    Shanice H


    I ordered online & still had to wait 20 minutes for my items. One cashier, a very lengthy line ...not what I expected from a 'superstore'. I think I'll just stick to Amazon!

  • Shaniece Degazon

    Shaniece Degazon


    Its best to come here in the early am and afternoon when things are slower especially if you are here to ship things. I only come here to ship things and faxes for a great price. But the staff in that department is severely understaffed and more than one person is necessary to get a customer in and out on time. I dont have 40 mins to kill here. But i will say its cheaper to ship here than with ups. HOWEVER, the tech department is amazing. Johnny is so helpful he helped me get a bluetooth speaker and helped install it in my car.

  • en

    Andrew Paradiso


    This Staples is pretty hit-and-miss. Mostly miss. The cashiers desperately need training as they screwed up a split payment that caused an account of mine to get overdrawn, and then during another visit they lied about when a web order would arrive so that I'd place the order in store instead of going elsewhere. They also have empty boxes that can mislead you into thinking they have an item in stock when they don't. Skip this place if you can, but if you can't, take comfort in knowing that at least their managers and customer service desk really go the extra mile to fix the various issues you will inevitably have here.

  • Gabriella Alesi

    Gabriella Alesi


    Pretty good prices, though sometimes they have excellent sales or clearances.

  • en

    Nicole Ferriola


    This is the WORST Staples I have ever been to! Their employees are very rude & not helpful in any way. I came in to send something UPS, I told the employee I needed help because I had never done it before, he could not have been more rude to me. I have been standing here for 45 minutes asking for help & have been told to wait numerous times. There's no manager walking around offering any assistance. It's awful & I would rather travel another 20 minutes to a different Staplea than to come back to this one.

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