Standard Restaurant Supply i Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterStandard Restaurant Supply



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1305, West Main Street, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-776-3599
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.414714, Longitude: -111.859831

kommentar 5

  • en

    Abdul Malik Mohammed


    Great place to buy all the kitchen items with a wide variety and at a reasonable price. Been there twice

  • Ekaterina Cruz

    Ekaterina Cruz


    A very cool huge supply store! As a pastry cook/baker I found some really good items here for very good price. Pans, linens, pastry bags, scoops, racks, mixers, whisks and so on. Definitely coming back!

  • Amy Osowski

    Amy Osowski


    Huge selection, great pricing, and amazing service. Helped me find a special solution for my client's need, and even helped me track down a size we needed in packaging that they didn't have in stock. Highly recommend, and I don't even own a restaurant! Many solutions here for retail stores of any kind!

  • en

    Ron Alpough


    Story has a great inventory of everything you need as a cook. From deep fryers to cheese cloth. They have it all. Giving 3 stars because of the inventory. Service was poor. Didnt feel welcome. Cashier was rude. Nobody offered help or greeted me.

  • en

    Chris Kill


    What a GREAT PLACE TO VISIT and to SHOP for your business and businesses.... I recently purchased several tools and equipment items for my business and was helped by a worker named Francisca. Francisca gave me the VIP treatment and made me feel special. The Standard Restaurant Supply Store is MY PLACE TO SHOP!!!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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