Stamford Judo in Stamford

Vereinigte StaatenStamford Judo



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100, Research Drive, 06906, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 203-327-6665
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Latitude: 41.0772566, Longitude: -73.5199321

kommentare 5

  • en

    George Hoang


    I got my ass kicked here 10/10 would go again

  • en

    Jonathan Candito


    First off, this club was started by Shiina Sensei, one of the greatest instructors of all time. When we were kids he created an atmosphere that invited competition and encouraged you to push yourself. I have been involved with Stamford Judo Club for about 28 years. In that time I have seen members develop a love for judo, making classes a permanent addition to their lives no matter how busy their schedules became or how big their families grew. We always manage to make time for the dojo because of the positive reinforcement it brings to our lives. Many get their kids involved in classes too which are back to back with adults and convenient for scheduling. The dojo provides a base and foundation for traits like discipline and confidence. It helps to develop core strength for everyday life. Our team is full of local regulars interested in self defense or getting a great workout, and it's also produced a handful of Olympic level competitors. The head Sensei Chris Angle has studied judo his entire life and opened doors for any interested students to train in Japan - having trained there himself. My father, Fred Candito, is another Sensei at the club who has studied judo his entire life and has brought a unique style to the club. Veteran black belts Mike Royce, Gauthier Vincent, and Brian Pereira also bring a lot to the table and it is not uncommon to see them teaching. This is a great club with a vast reservoir of knowledge and skill. Whether you want to be a competitor, get in shape, or want to learn a new skill set, this is a club worth checking out.

  • Brian Pereira

    Brian Pereira


    I've been a member here for years now... Stamford Dojo (dba "Classical Judo Institute") is a hidden gem. It is, hands down, the top Judo club in the tri-state area. I'd highly recommend it to BJJers too who want to learn throws and work their pins (lots of members practice both). The dojo culture can be characterized as encouraging, positive and super passionate about judo/bjj. The classes are high quality and really consistent. Lots of successful, friendly, professional, and knowledgeable students and an impressive, scientific level of technical depth in the Sensei's instruction, which is passed down from one of the greatest teachers in the world, Kiyoshi Shiina. Take a look yourself - there's a wikipedia on him. He created several US Olympians and the current head Coach is his long-time student, Chris Angle. Coach Chris is a U-Michigan graduate who spent a decade in Japan, attends the annual All-Japan Championships, speaks super-fluent Japanese, and happens to run a philosophy debate show for fun. He's dedicated, articulate, and extremely friendly and supportive. He's also a complete genius at "simplifying" complex techniques. He's definitely one of the most knowledgeable coaches in the country and he's an open book -- completely devoted to the club and his students. Many of the adults get together for drinks outside of class, especially on Friday nights. The workouts are awesome. Members range from plumbers to financiers - there's zero entitlement, lots of respect, laughs, training, and friendship. It's a solid group of national competitors and weekly small-town regulars that will all go out of their way to assist you 1x1 in class, lend tips, and encourage you to develop your game. People go to events together, celebrate birthdays, and at least half the club goes out for drinks and burgers every Friday night down the block. They share a healthy philosophy on training, work, and social life. I've also watched the kids classes, which take place before the adults, and have spoken to some of the parents. The classes are fun and kids get to goof around alongside training and study... They perform drills that will stick with them into adulthood, and they get a great workout. They are encouraged to learn, play, gain technical and athletic agility, develop their character, and gain confidence. There's definitely an emphasis on mutual respect, gratitude, and good values in general alongside training. The children aren't marketed like some of the larger martial arts corporations - it's all about developing their judo game. The space is very clean, spacious, and safe. Walls are padded with Japanese straw mat. There are two changing rooms for boys and girls, and seating for parents to hang out and watch their kids. Overall amazing place to train and meet quality friends.

  • Delian Naydenov

    Delian Naydenov


    This is a great place for kids and adults to learn judo. Coach is very good and patient. Classes are challenging but fun. Overall a nice dojo if you are interested in this martial art.

  • tracvahntoc



    This place is like my home away from home and it is a great place learn and practice Judo in the Fairfield County. People come from all over CT to train here. Other Judokas are helpful and Coach Chris is a great teacher. Unfortunately, I started Judo really late in life so I am used primarily as a grappling dummy. However, I started my kid (5 yo) in Judo in hopes he will avenge his dad.

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