St Louis License Office i St. Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterSt Louis License Office



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1200, Market Street, 63103, St. Louis, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 314-622-4231
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.6267921, Longitude: -90.1993542

kommentar 5

  • Jin Zou

    Jin Zou


    St. Louis city hall is a historic building with Renaissance Revival architecture style. It also is reminiscent of the famed Hôtel de Ville, Paris, France. The construction of the building began in 1892 and completed in 1904 . Today, St. Louis City Hall becomes a landmark and is still in use as many St Louis city government offices.

  • Brett Story

    Brett Story


    In and out in under 5 minutes at opening for a plate renewal. They even looked up my tax returns for me. Fastest DMV I've been to.

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    Anita Bradley


    Right by my house

  • Brian Coalson

    Brian Coalson


    Liked it as much as one could hope to like the DMV. Went to get a MO drivers license after moving from TX. Went during my lunch and expected to be there for more than an hour. I was in and out in in about 30 minutes. I timed the average time per customer: 4 minutes. I thought that was pretty good and the woman was very friendly, asking me about my move and family. They also take debit/credit, which was a relief as I forgot my check book and had no cash on me. They charged a small fee to cover the transaction cost, which seems fair. The negative was the waiting room, where there were definitely more chairs than people, but I'm guessing during lunch is a busy time.

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    Simon Stephens


    They refused to license my vehicle because they claim it looks as if the date had been altered in the date of sale. Specifically, they referenced the 2 in 2015. Everything else was fine. Citizens deserve better. Awful place.

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