St. John the Beloved Catholic Church in McLean

Vereinigte StaatenSt. John the Beloved Catholic Church


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6420, Linway Terrace, 22101, McLean, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 703-356-7916
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Latitude: 38.9247697, Longitude: -77.1612938

kommentare 5

  • en

    Michael Exsiled


    They think I should go somewhere else

  • Sayre Swarztrauber

    Sayre Swarztrauber


    Very good parish. Excellent homily.

  • James McCracken

    James McCracken


    Very loving & prayerful community

  • en

    Teresa Schultz


    True Catholicism! Solid teachings and beautiful liturgy. Our favorite even though we aren't parishioners

  • Paul English

    Paul English


    This is, as Jamie said, a great Catholic parish. They are interested in beautiful liturgy, as one of the greatest ways to give glory to God--after charity, of course. I would remind Rick that Our Lord praised the woman who so extravagantly annointed his feet. When it comes to giving to Our Lord in making the Mass and the church and the Liturgy beautiful, we are trying to do the same as that woman. It is true that the Church should probably not flatly endorse any current political party, but many times standing up for life has, simply in the face of the facts, meant supporting certain candidates. If a certain party has chosen a pro-abortion platform, of course we will oppose and preach against them, because abortion is murder of the innocent! As far as altar girls (spelling), restricting service at the altar to men, though not required by the Church, is actually recommended by Church documents (even after Vatican II) largely because it is a fact that as there have been more altar girls, there have been less vocations to the priesthood. Thanks, Jamie, for the words on behalf of truth!

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