St Francis Hospital w Roslyn Heights

Stany ZjednoczoneSt Francis Hospital


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Searingtown Road, 11577, Roslyn Heights, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-562-6000
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.7841525, Longitude: -73.6633068

komentarze 5

  • en

    Victoria Wagner


  • en

    Pat Moderne


    My husband was admitted thru emergency department last week. Everyone was wonderful from the security person at the entrance to the nurses, the doctors, the support staff - even including the maintenance people who helped my family and I navigate when we were getting to the parking garage. I highly commend the entire team at St. Francis for their professionalism and personal care standards.

  • Elaine Mulvey

    Elaine Mulvey


    Although the Doctors are ok (If you are able to understand them.) Everyone does the "Disney store" *Phoney pleasantry routine* There is diffenitly something wrong With the hospital dealings. 1. Emergency room wait is insanely too long, when you are in such pain. And no one sees you for 2 1/2 hrs How many others have to suffer ? 2. When you go to visit a patient in their room And YOU yourself get dizzy from being in hospital itself. 3. Parking is a crime - $$$ Not enough parking spaces ? People practically driving down your throat at great speeds to get into the garage. And having to pay for parking ? Last day, Security, asking where you going? Obviously I'm here for a reason ? Then getting released Having to wait all day for doc to come Dr Chang ( Very Questionable Dealings) Only Then - Can the nurse do your paper work Another delay And then they can unhook you. But you were told in the AM your going home. BUT WAIT ? Worst expierence ever Totally Absurb System ! For a hospital so many people trust. Addl note patients are not help to wash Unless they ask tio be. Bedding never changed while there *Emergency ESPECIALLY* Health dept should really look into

  • Rachel Stephanie

    Rachel Stephanie


    0 stars if it was an option. EXTREMELY unhelpful and life threatening SLOW with getting life or death information to doctors. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and they have the slides of the cancer. Sloan Kettering Cancer Center has been asking for the slides for 2 WEEKS! They said they are in storage and take 5 days to get. It is an EMERGENCY situation and it has been way over 5 days already! My mom is in critical condition and NEEDS treatment immediately. Sloan Kettering can’t treat her until they have these slides. I DO NOT recommend this hospital to ANYONE if you would like to live.

  • en

    Lynn Brady


    They are persistent in finding out what is wrong with you . they don't fall die noses you.

najbliższy Szpital

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