St. Austin Catholic School w Austin

Stany ZjednoczoneSt. Austin Catholic School



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1911, San Antonio Street, 78705, Austin, Travis County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 512-477-3751
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 30.2829884, Longitude: -97.7429496

komentarze 5

  • J Middlebrook

    J Middlebrook


    I have been at this school for 8 years and it has made such a wonderful impact on my life I will it so much.

  • en

    Mark O'Leary


    Our two children have been attending Austin for 8 and 5 years. The school has been wonderful for their growth in so many ways--academically, spiritually, community support, leadership, and building strong friendships. The entire community is so supportive, with the teachers and principal giving our children a wonderful place to develop and succeed. Our children adore their teachers, the principal, the community, and their friends.

  • en

    Beth Cubriel


    We have two children in the school and think this is the best parenting decision we have made in our house. It's perfect for us. The teachers are focused on fundamentals and the community is encouraging.

  • en

    Barbara Morgan


    We have been thrilled with Saint Austin since our child entered there 7 years ago. The curriculum is excellent and the community is welcoming and involved. The children are also taught the importance of personal values and community service. Our child loves the environment and has thrived at the school.

  • Bill Hodges

    Bill Hodges


    We have had 4 wonderful years at St Austin. The sense of community is strong among the families, which supports the goals of the school in educating the whole student. The teachers have been wonderful and the administration has been doing great work to keep this school with a long heritage fresh with curriculum and facilities.

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