
🕗 godziny otwarcia

5790, Southwest 40th Street, 33155, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 305-663-8844
strona internetowej: www.spyroslasermedspa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.733822, Longitude: -80.288391

komentarze 5

  • en

    cori mizrahi


    An amazing spa! Great customer service and great technicians!! And very clean!!

  • en



    Can’t beat the prices! Staff is friendly Daniel helped me pick the right service for me! Def reccomend yhis place!!

  • Krystal Vallejo

    Krystal Vallejo


    Super professional environment! The staff is amazing. Daniel is always on top of everything. Tatiana my laser technician always educates me about my laser sessions every session I go. I love that they also carry SkinCeuticals pharmaceutical skin care. Literally, renewed my skin! Kitty the esthetician knows her stuff!!! Overall, this place for sure 5 stars! Well deserved!

  • en

    Matt Byrd


    Lots of medspas aren’t relaxing like a 5 star hotel spa and don’t deliver the expected results you count on, but these guys have, over and over. (And though they aren’t the cheapest place in town, I really feel like they may be the lowest cost spa to ACTUALLY DELIVER the results I paid for AND expected.... whivh some of us cheapskates sometimes forget haha. This is a special place that cares; I see so many women walk IN with a little bit of a slouch to their shoulders, but then they WALK-OUT of Spyros with this radiant-I-feel-great-but-I-look-even-better grin. (Kinda reminds me of my favorite casual restaurant, which Ive totally wore out BUUUUT, EVERY TIME when I taste that first bite I laugh to myself and say ”wow... they did it again”)

  • en

    Adriana Abreu


    I get laser treatments and they are great with all the technicians. People are very friendly and the Spa is very relaxing. I always recommend anyone who needs the laser hair removal or facial treatments. They have good prices and the services and products are amazing!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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