Sprint w Edison

Stany ZjednoczoneSprint



🕗 godziny otwarcia

55, Parsonage Road, 08837, Edison, Middlesex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 732-590-2116
strona internetowej: dealer.sprint.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.547898, Longitude: -74.3362215

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lilly Vince Gimmelli


    Freddy and Bobby were amazing at the Menlo Park Store. They were so helpful and friendly. That will be my go to store. I would recommend for any phone needs with Sprint go to the Sprint store in Menlo Park Mall. THEY ARE AMAZING!!!

  • en

    Vince Gimmelli


    Awesome and terrific service. Go to this Sprint store. Freddy and Bobby were outstanding. They helped us from start to finish. Very knowledgeable, professional and personable. No exaggeration, cannot say enough great things about them. Been to other stores and even called... nothing in comparison to these two gentlemen. Yes, I would return.

  • en

    Andrew Benson


    FRAUDULENT REVIEWS!!!! I just discovered that not only did this particular location offer me terrible and deceptive service, but they also thought it was appropriate to write a false account of my experience there. The following statement was written by what I can only imagine was an employee trying to raise the stores star rating. I DID NOT WRITE THE FOLLOWING REVIEW! How dare you log in to a customers account without their knowledge and put words in my mouth. Unfortunately for them I found it and decided instead to edit it. The original rating was five stars, but now it is more accurately one star. The next statement was not written by me, even though there is some truth to it. The point is that you can not use a customers account without their knowledge to write a self glorifying five star rating for what is by their own admission in the statement, a negative experience. "Don't generally leave reviews but felt compelled to, I came her pissed ready to leave for issues I been dealing with for a few days now, but after leaving, my whole experience went from o to 100, will be coming here even though I live an hour away!"

  • en

    J Har


    Jessenia was the best Sprint Rep that I've ever dealt with in the past 10 yrs. Come to see her for EVERYTHING Sprint related.

  • en

    Anthony Leflore


    This store is amazing they helped with what two other stores could not! My new favorite store

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