Sprint i Jersey City

Forenede StaterSprint



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322, Central Avenue, 07307, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-653-1790
internet side: dealer.sprint.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.745995, Longitude: -74.04937

kommentar 5

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    Tiffiany Bellegas


    Excellent service! The whole staff was great!!!

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    Gordon Alleyne


    Great service! Go see the assistant manager Jay!

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    Conwell Yearbook


    Fabulous service! I love Keiana!❤️

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    Ronald Washington


    J hooked me up and stayed after when he did not have to. The best person I have ever dealt with when it came to sprint. Thank you.

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    Blake Williams


    if i could leave negative stars for this place, I would. Jim Allen: do not unprofessionally phone people during late, post business hours, by randomly informing them that your company will be charging me $500 dollars " on my card" for not returning a phone which i OBVIOUSLY did according to official Sprint documentation. You're a clown. You not only mistakenly made the call, but your delivery of that information was highly , highly unprofessional, cold, and aggressive. You should be removed from employment and this Sprint location should be immediately flagged and re evaluated as a whole. Never doing business with you again.

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