Springhouse en Thiells

Estados UnidosSpringhouse


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65, West Ramapo Road, 10923, Thiells, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-517-5341
sitio web: www.springhouseformals.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1977997, Longitude: -74.0096561

comentarios 5

  • en

    stephanie nrekic


    A bit late with my review but I cannot say what a great experience I’ve had at Springhouse ! I got married on June 17, 2017. I stumbled upon Springhouse when looking up who in the area sold Morilee dresses and let me tell you I am so happy to have found them ! They took me in without an appointment midweek and treated me like a princess ! They brought me dresses upon dresses to try on and never gave up ! It just so happens that the last dress they brought me was the one ! :) I had gone back to look at their bridesmaids gowns and I just so happened to find my bridesmaids dresses their as well ! At first I wasn’t sure if I liked the gown I had found for my girls and wasn’t sure I wanted to go with it because of the color. I wasn’t pressured the slightest bit and they even told me to shop around if this not what I’m in love with. Needless to say I called Tara and Mary up and decided to go with the bridesmaids dresses as well. I had about 20 bridesmaids, yes 20! Some from different states and some even from different countries! I may have called Tara and Mary almost every day with something new and they were so very patient and kind to me and my family and friends! I can not thank them enough! My mother, who waited until the last minute, also bought two of her gowns for my wedding day there as well. They did everything in their power to make us happy and I cannot thank them enough! I will recommend them to everyone looking for a dress! Can’t wait to go back and visit again :)

  • en

    elizabeth Laura


  • Victoria Iadisernia

    Victoria Iadisernia


  • Kacie Russell

    Kacie Russell


  • Melissa Gascot

    Melissa Gascot


    Customer service is great! Found an amazing wedding dress for an affordable price! I highly recommend this shop!

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