Спортивная площадка Кларк in Clark

Vereinigte StaatenСпортивная площадка Кларк


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629, Madison Hill Road, 07066, Clark, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.612505, Longitude: -74.3071227

kommentare 5

  • en

    Moises Bayate


    Nice small park. But no swings or shade for parents to sit and watch their kids.

  • en

    martha kamichoff


    Great place to take your kids need some sprucing up wish there was some way to lock it up at night so the older kids couldn't hang in there

  • Michael Guzman

    Michael Guzman


    Very nice playground and park area to walk and spend time with the family.

  • en

    Marvin C DeRuyscher


    Small but nice skatepark and fairly big playground that the kids really enjoy. There's also a well maintained and clean bathroom.

  • matthew berube

    matthew berube


    Great little playground that's well kept, clean, and in a nice location. The children's playground is enclosed allowing parents to let their kids play without too much worry of them wondering off. There is a skate park right beside the playground that is always being used by kids on bikes/scooters/skateboards. There's a baseball/softball field and tennis courts as well as a soccer field. Lastly there is a nice walking path encircling the entire park that has workout stations along the way. The whole park is clean and pleasant and is a great place to go with kids, a group, or alone.

nächste Park

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