Sport Clips Haircuts of Memphis - Midtown w Memphis

Stany ZjednoczoneSport Clips Haircuts of Memphis - Midtown



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2145, Union Avenue, 38104, Memphis, Shelby County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 901-310-4355
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.13328, Longitude: -89.989998

komentarze 5

  • Robert Wallace

    Robert Wallace


    Need to make sure your sideburns are even when you leave (happened twice) and of they are goinbg to charge you for the MVP they need to make sure they do the massage bit and not treat it as an unwanted thing. They have skipped it 4 times and when i ask them why im being charged for it and they dont do it they say some people dont like it. If your gonna charge, do the thing, stop skipping hopeing people won't notice.

  • en

    Erik Houston


    The worst haircut of my life. Brandi(?) had to ask for assistance from a co worker on how to blend a medium fade. She messed it up so bad I had to have her shave my entire head to salvage the hack job. They clearly hire folks with zero experience or training.

  • en

    Michael Pabst


    The person who actually cut my hair had no idea what she was doing and had to ask the other people working for help multiple times, even with 3 different people helping her my haircut still looks horrible. It is not even on either side of my head or in the front. It also took a very long time and quite a few people that had showed up after me left before I did. I do not recommend this place to anyone and I will not be returning.

  • Jeff Witinok

    Jeff Witinok


    Great location. Always clean. Usually they'll take you immediately or no more than 15 minute wait. Courteous, professional staff.

  • en

    madison raburn


    I went in here just moments ago to get a hair cut. Very simple easy haircut. I have never in my life had such a violent haircut. My scalp is burning and both of my ears are blood red from how hard and fast this woman Brooks cut my hair. I couldn't even use the arm rest because she told me to move my arms. My head and ears are burning from her horrible attempt at cutting my hair. Then this Brooks girl charged me but didn't give me a receipt or even ring me up so I'm sure she just stuck the 25$ in her pocket. Worst experience ever.

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