Specialty Rarities in Bellmore

Vereinigte StaatenSpecialty Rarities



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2816, Merrick Road, 11710, Bellmore, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-826-4444
webseite: www.bellmorecoins.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.6642683, Longitude: -73.5215403

kommentare 5

  • en

    Kelly Brach


    I've been an inexperienced coin watcher - checking my coins and holding onto anything old in hopes of finding something rare. Jeff at Specialty Rarities has been beyond helpful in explaining to me what is and is not important to look for. He was honest and patient! Jeff shared a wealth of knowledge and time with me. I highly recommend Specialty Rarities!!!! Thank you so much Jeff! I eagerly anticipate speaking again!

  • Kevin Tyler

    Kevin Tyler


    Were very nice and explained everything about every coin I had. Would go back again!

  • en

    Joseph Terman


    I really didn't know to expect all people seem nice on the surface, but when I was selling my collection. I wanted my kids to keep something from their grandfather. Jeff took the time and really seemed to care about what I was keeping for them from my Dad. Jeff is a good guy!

  • Gabriella Chava

    Gabriella Chava


    Very nice people to deal with. Nice on the phone and even nicer in person and beat other prices. too! all great!

  • Kristina Tull

    Kristina Tull


    This place is the best! They had a great selection, a great shop, and great customer service. I would definitely recommend this place whether you are buying or selling. Very honest and fair. My overall experience was perfect, and I will be back!

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