Sparky's Old Town Creamery en Tempe

Estados UnidosSparky's Old Town Creamery



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510, South Mill Avenue, 85281, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 480-921-6228
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4250511, Longitude: -111.9401677

comentarios 5

  • en

    Olivia C


    The prickly pear Margarita sorbet was fantastic; a great option for dairy-intolerant people like myself who still want a sweet treat!

  • Marisatw223rtt/? u f y t s s we E McHugh

    Marisatw223rtt/? u f y t s s we E McHugh


    The place was absolutely packed and I couldn't even find a spot to tell them I was there for my Uber order when Valencia handed it to me !!!!!!!I was so grateful and surprised I got out of there so quick .... it must be really good was my second trip there already tonight thank you!!!

  • en

    The Millers


    Great ice cream, but if your kid doesn't like the flavor he picked, don't expect any compromising, they make you buy a whole new ice cream.

  • Gabriela Chandre

    Gabriela Chandre


    creamiest ice cream ive ever had i went here for breakfast before work yesterday (yes, I bought ice cream at 11:15 am) lol I love sparkys the only ice cream place i go to when I'm in tempe !

  • en

    Shawna DeLaura


    The ice cream was great, but the service, not so great. There was one employee and it was pretty busy and I noticed she didnt wash her hands after handling money to serve the next customer. I had to ask her to wash her hands.

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