SP+ Parking i Jersey City

Forenede StaterSP+ Parking



🕗 åbningstider

600, Newark Avenue, 07306, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-420-0034
internet side: nycparking.spplus.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7328604, Longitude: -74.0573751

kommentar 5

  • Sarvesh Pimple

    Sarvesh Pimple


  • arnab kundu

    arnab kundu


    Amazingly cheap around 13 dollars a day. This is at a very convenient location and worked well for me. The only catch is it is an open parking, relatively. As I had no issues with my experience I am giving it a 5 star.

  • SD



    FRAUD ALERT! Someone at this place is skimming (copying) debit / credit cards. I had a card that was never used anywhere but this place, two days later there are fraudulent transactions popping up and the bank froze the card.

  • en

    Kristen B


    I rate this a zero. They lured me in with the hopes of using a mobile coupon and then told me "Machine broken" when I tried to use it before I paid. There was no option other than to pay the full price. Way to go Central Parking with the bait and switch!

  • en

    Justin Case


    If I could give 0 Stars I would! Severe damage done to my car in under 2 hours of parking there! Brand new car now has a cracked front bumper ad "manager" denies any fault and didnt file a claim until Corporate was called. Do not park here!

nærmeste Parkering

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